Monday, June 8, 2009

Dakwah Islam - Rasulullah S.a.w. Travel to Thaif -

*Fortitude in the face trial and tribulation in order to spread Islam solely Because God*
Muslims today are not only can not imagine, can not even feel how the distress and suffering of Rasulullah Saw and the friends r.a. in spreading the religion of this noble.

In history books there are many stories about the journey of their lives, but to practice it in a life that is very difficult,even to find out about their lives, we would not bother to do it.

1.Rasulullah S.a.w. Travel to Thaif

although he was nine years old S.a.w. convey the teachings of Islam and seeks to convey instructions and improvements to the city of Makkah in his Mukarramah, but very few - in addition to those who already embrace Islam - which he would receive a call. other than people like this,there are also some people who in his dzahir not embrace Islam, but they are willing to help business Dakwah Rasulullah Saw . most of the kuffar in Makkah selal deter, disrupt, and deride the Prophet Saw and his friends, the friend of his who can not do anything they do not pay attention to interference.
He uncle S.a.w. Abu Thalib own, including the people who do not embrace Islam, but his heart is to love Rasulullah Saw. He felt glad to help Rasulullah Saw

In the tenth year after the prophethood, when Abu Thalib died, the kuffar are increasing their efforts to prevent its growing religion of Islam and always try to disrupt the Muslims anywhere and anytime they have.

when a Prophet S.a.w. plan to go to Thaif. there Tsaqif a nomadic tribe, a nomadic tribe that is very large number of them. he thought if people embrace Islam Thaif,then the Muslims can escape their trial and punishment of those kuffar, and Thaif placed in the center spread of Islam.

after arriving in the city thaif. He Saw directly encountered by the three men as he was in the promoter and the local community.After he S.a.w. talk to them, he invites them to the religion of Allah swt and assist in spreading the religion brought by him.But not only refused, but they are reluctant to listen to the call of Rasulullah Saw. Attitude is very incompatible with the norms and practices of ordinary people arab kowtow to its famous guests.
At that time they receive the Prophet S.a.w. no reverence at all, they even receive the honor that he is very bad.
With their overtly express the love it if Rasulullah Saw they are in place. He began it in the hope that his coming to people in the community as it will accept in the words of the good and full of tenderness,but it is in the receipt with the words that rough and painful, one of them said, "oh, ye who in the select by God as His prophet?." the other says, "if no one else is more appropriate in select by God as the Prophet?"
The third said, "I did not want to talk with you, because if I deny it, it's not a natural for me, as good as his, if you lie and I do not deign to speak with you again."

After meeting with people who can not be expected as they are, then Rasulullah Saw hope to talk with people other than them. He is a nature S.a.w. which is always serious and firm establishment and not easy to despair.But apparently none of those who would like to receive it, not even they would not receive a call He Saw, but they also told Rasulullah Saw saying to him, "it immediately out of our village, where to go just as long as you do not like here."

when he S.a.w. can no longer expect anything from them, then he went to leave the place, but people in the city have been told the youth that follow them and the Prophet Saw it, mocking it, and pelt him with stones.
so that both his slippers with full blood stream.In circumstances such as this is the Prophet Saw thaif back from the city. in the return trip, he saw something in place that sense of security from the evil people, the Prophet Saw pray to God S.W.T : "O Allah, I will bring to you its strength and weakness to its power a little effort on my view of humanity. O that's all very Rahim rahimin. Thou art the Lord is the people who feel weak, and Thou art my Lord, to whom you submit myself. To enemy that will insult me, or to the family that you give to its task.There is no objection for providing that I keep in thy grace. in the meantime afiat thy wider for me. I seek refuge in the face with the light of thy glorious ray of the entire sky and illuminate all the dark and it is regularly on all affairs of the world and the Hereafter,from thee against myself or thy anger from thee down upon thy adzab. You bring me to task so that you desire. there is no power but through the efforts and Thou. "

So sad its climb in the prayer by the Prophet Saw He so Jibril a.s to come and bow to him, and said, "Allah SWT knows what is happening in your discussions with your people, and God heard their answers with you, and He has sent an angel of the mountains to you to implement what the that by looking at you. "
after the angels came, and salute the Rasulullah Saw he said, "what you will command me to do. if you like, I enjoy both mountain ram on the side of the barge so that the city will lead to those who live in between the two is dead suppressed. if not, what punishment do you want, I ready to implement it. "

He S.a.w. that have a loving nature and noble that said, "I only hope to Allah SWT. if they do not become Muslims, hopefully at a later time their children will become people who worship and worship Him."


this is the character who most glorious. which we confess ourselves as his henchman. attitude but if we get just a little difficulty, then we will berate them, even akan retaliate against the brand. reply with a crime in the crime. This we always do and we have become a habit now. while we are still always confess as vassal of the Prophet Muhammad Saw.
it should be the recognition of the behavior we should also always follow him, He Saw if you get your own difficulties and suffering a painful punishment from other people did not reply to infamy with the deterioration of prayer for them,
and did not intend to give back to them.

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