Friday, August 22, 2008

Live Healthy and Be kind person

Avoid the Bad Menu and bad life! Everyone raced with time pursued the target and hope that were determined.Then most people, forgot and neglected about the importance of the problem of the good Menu,They only considered the target important,Hope as well as their ambition then. Whereas the Menu not was not again thought about,That was important for them was to eat that was good and FAST!

And this happened to myself so as like that was easy the illness came to myself, My health that was not good as could not sleep well, defecated not be fluent in through to caused disentri,feel for limp and other and this happened in my days at this time.

1. Doing prayer (Salah) 
Salah is a meditation of the greatest ever, Salah proved to nourish the body, namely with activities like yoga movements / exercises

2. Doing Fasting in Ramadhan
 -maintain digestive health. Fasting, resting the digestive organs themselves. The facts show that the old food stay in the intestine is 14 hours. During the year, these organ works almost without stopping, because of the lag time between eating us not that long. Whereas rejuvenation for this organ is not less important. No wonder then, as a result many accompanying diseases. Well, how long fasting? Approximately 14 hours is not it?
 -repair the body and brain. Both of these occur when the body is at rest, especially at the stage of "deep sleep" or a sleep quality. Results of research by Dr. Ebrahim Kazim, a doctor, researcher and director of Trinidad Islamic Academy, using EEG (brain wave recorder) showed that fasting makes better quality sleep. "Deep sleep" is achieved. The effect on the improvement of the body and the brain, including the memory molecules more leverage.
 -heart healthy. During fasting, magnesium (a mineral essential for the body) increases. Magnesium has the effect of "cardio-protective" (cardioprotective). Thus, by fasting, we are more durable heart. In addition, magnesium has anti Process blood clotting. A person can have a stroke due to a blood clot that lodged in small blood vessels, thus inhibiting blood flow. Blood teraliri tidah area will be disturbed function, tangible paralysis or death of tissue. The same process can occur in coronary heart disease because of the clot into the coronary arteries that nourish the heart function. Therefore, fasting can prevent stroke and coronary heart disease.
 -lose weight. Fasting - in fact, even among non-Muslims - popularly known as weight loss. Dr. Madarina Julia, Sp.A, MPH explains, "When fasting, we are hungry. When hunger that decrease blood sugar levels and the release of growth hormone (growth hormone). At the release of growth hormone, the visceral fat in the abdominal position would normally burn so that the stomach becomes slim. so, fasting has two effects, namely: first, to eat less so that the weight down; second, the effects of hunger make your blood sugar is low and growth hormones out, so it will burn visceral fat and improve the quality of the blood vessels. "
 -maintaining mental health. There are other substances which are also produced during our fasting. This substance outstanding complement. Through calmness gained from fasting, combined with daily prayers, remembrance, prayer and so on, came the enkephalins and endorphins. Both are natural opiates. A kind of morphine, enkephalins and endorphins difference is naturally produced by the body so that the more useful and controlled. If the effects of morphine can give pleasure, but result in addiction with all its negative effects, enkephalins and endorphins are not. Both of these substances can give the feeling of happiness, relief, calm, relaxed, yet naturally.
 -relieve pain. This happens because of the nature of endorphins and enkephalins are other natural pain reliever (natural painkillers). If athletes injured during a match, or were wounded during the fighting. They will not feel the pain so, until the full circumstances of the stressor ends. All that happens because the brain produces endorphins and enkephalins in high levels to relieve the pain.
 -avoid "jet lag". Fasting can train someone to adjust to the time difference. We know the term "jet lag" syndrome which is a form of discomfort in digestion, thoughts, fatigue accompanied by sleep disturbances, as a result of traveling across different time zones. The taste is also not much different from the workers with the shift system, when the biological clock disturbed. The essence of the disorder is desinkronisasi, chaos experienced by the biological clock due to differences in circadian rhythms that occur when crossing different time zones or work shift system (especially the night shift).

3. Doing dhikr
In the hadith the Prophet mentioned that "know", in the human body a lump of meat. If he is good (healthy) then all the bodies will be good and if it is damaged (ill) then the whole body will be damaged. Know that it is the heart of a blood clot "(Bukhari Muslim.).
Mental health is derived from the concept of "mental hygiene" which in Greek is psychological. Juhadi, namely avoiding a person's mental health complaints and mental disorders in the form of neurosis and psychosis (adjustments to the environment social environment).
According to Marie Johada, mentally healthy people who are not only categorized avoiding it from a mental disorder but also include the following:
• The attitude, good personality to yourself
• The growth, development and self-realization good
• Integration of self, which includes mental balance, unity of views and resistant to the pressures that occur.

3.Increased healhty Food
Prosperity increased, the lifestyle also increased,but whether the Condition for our Health increased also? To match the entry of Manner Fat (Omega 6) from our Menu but also the increase in the production of Bad Cholesterol (LDL) that in the production in the heart (the liver) that was caused by Stress and Depression because of the condition Pressure that affected us in this time, then must increase consumption of the health Menu,

4.Do Sport Good

Carried out the physical or competing activity in an orderly fashion to be able to increase body metabolism comprehensively, then the burning of Fat and cholesterol also increased as well as memperlancarkan the circulation and the circulation of blood to all of our body but also very important for the exercise for muscles in the network of our heart. The success that was achieved from depending sport in accordance with the level of sport activity and his regularity in accordance with our capacity was respectively personal.

5.Avoid the life that STRESS

Prosperity increased, the Lifestyle also obeyed him. In the hope that the action to guard & improved the condition for our Health also increased also? Because they generally do not pay attention to their capacity, then generally the community will experience Stress that was high because of the goal pressure, the target, the ambition and high idealism also.

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