Monday, April 9, 2007

Personally in Solitude

Only songs be my friend all this time ..... this life was beautiful evidently had again once me read one of Blog from Malaysia had said that Blog..... that said that Khalifah will emerge from there and that the Islam glory was there... whether they only quoted one Hadist or two,three hadist to in made the grip so that their understanding in confirmed,

Quoted by me here one hadist in fact only of his pieces.... that later Dajjal will come to each country and when the country wanted to join him then the Country was Prosperous and clear,but when having one country that did not want to join him then the Country would in for like the field of the paddy-field without bone-dry water not prosperity. This only a quotation hadist Rasulullah about Dajjal and only of his pieces want to complete him read the AGE of GROUP of ISLAM,Spawn of DAJJAL,Descend Isa Al-MASIH to Eart,Emerge the PRIEST MAHDI, read correctly then connected with hadist2 other then took from Al-qur'an so that we know the truth.

Let's visited about the piece hadist above that countries that went along with dajjal will be Prosperous and that did not go along would misery . please pay attention to Malaysia,Turki,Kuwait, etc. they were frightened to Dajjal (the USA/Europe) they followed dajjal.... please tough that not BOSNIA,AFGHANISTAN,IRAK,IRAN,INDONESIA, they did not follow American them was made by the misery.... but Allah's promise for them who were strong on this ordeal then heaven and gathered with the prophets

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